Sunday, March 28, 2010

Time to Spring forward with Goals!!!

OK, so I'm dedicating this week to really comprising some short and long term goals for some important aspects of my life. It is time to take control and apply some of this knowledge I have. If I keep waiting for the right time, it will never happen.
Goals to come this week!!!!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I'm back!!!
I am focused again and determine to achieving my goal of overcoming obesity and conpleting my first triathlon.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Great news!!! My 9 year old completed his first triathlon. I'm so proud of him for completing it. He looks forward for competing in more.
On my progession, it was a challenging ending week with alot of running around out of town leaving me exhausted. I have not real excuse though, i say if you can find time to shower, you have time to workout.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Well today has been great so far got to fitness center and got my cardio in and some leg workout done.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Well, I'm new to all this blogging stuff, so please bear with me. I wanted to do something that would keep me motivated, so what better could I do, than to hold myself accountable and let everyone know about it.
I have always been overweight since the age of 8. I always wanted to lose weight, but I would always lose my motivation and stop trying.
I have come to the point in my life where I want more,I want so much more. Life is going to come to pass whether we want it to or not, so I decided , why not go through it in a High Proformance Body.
My current weight in starting this journey is 382.8 lbs. Photos to come.